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Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Pentas Seni ADIPATi (Anak Dua IPA Tiga)

Alhamdulillah…akhirnya masa-masa penuh perjuangan selama 6 bulan terlewati sudah. Yups, libur telaaaaaaah tiba..libur telaaaaaaaah tibaaaaaa….

Hehe, tapi sebenarnya bukan ituh intinya..gini nih ceritanya nag-nag ADIPATi.. =)
Berhubung Ujian Kenaikan Kelas udah selesai diadain, nak-nak OSIS SMA 271 bikin acara seru nan meriah, yaituuuu Pentas seni. Eh, tapi pentas seninya ga asal-asalan gitu ajja. Jadi gini, aturannya, tiap kelas ngeluarin satu tim. Tiap tim harus ada dutanya, cowok ma cewek. Nah, uniknya, duta tersebut kudu / harus / wajib buka penampilan tim (alias pembukaannya) pake Bahasa Jawa en ada bagian Story Tellingnya yang nyeritain salah satu lagu (lagu wajibnya lagu daerah Jawa, yang satu lagi bebas) yang dijadiin tema (pastinya pake Bahasa Inggris dund), bagian penutupnya pun demikian, harus ditutup lagi pake Bahasa Jawa.

Anag-anag ADIPATi dapet undian nomer 14 (dari 16 nomer), so kami kedapetan hari kedua, yaitu hari Selasa tanggal 23 Juni 2009 kemaren. Kami pilih lagu Jawanya “Suwe Ora Jamu” en lagu bebasnya “Garuda di Dadaku” miliknya Netral (Ost. Garuda di Dadaku)
Bisa dibilang, persiapan anak-anak ADIPATi ga begitu lama. Kami berlatih dari hari Senin dan Selasanya uda tampil. Hehe, tapi ga begitu meragukan juga..soalnya anak laki-lakinya kebanyakan pada melek musik, so ga masalah deh ma musiknya. Ehhm..nah, bagian aksesorisnya, semua anak cewek ADIPATi wajib ikut andil so ga ada deh yang ketinggalan naik panggung pas tampil. Pokoknya ADIPATi paling HueeeebooooHHHH!!hehe..(satu kelas boo..38 nyawa…)

Hari Selasa kami tampil….. Naaaa..naaaa..naaaa… (s_s)/ ga bisa diungkapin deeehhh… pokoknya penuh perjuangan niiihh..penuh harap-harap. Asiknya, kami tampil dimotivasi juga oleh kehadiran wali kelas ADIPATi, mister Ahmad-hikz..coba dulu-dulu juga gini.. T.T

Pengumuman tiba..SMS bergulir. Intinya..ADIPATi masuk ke babak final…waaaahhhh….Bravo!!!Wah, detik-detik penuh perjuangan lagi nih.. (^o^)/

Hari Rabunya, tanggal 24 Juni 2009 ADIPATi show lagi..hehe, tapi kali ini konsepnya lain, secara, uda final gituuuh..nah, kali ini ga cuma nari, nyanyiin musik aja..tapi ada sebuah drama yang diselingkan dalam lagu Suwe Ora Jamu juga ada puisi setelah akhir lagu Garuda di Dadaku..wuuuiiihh..berasa dehh..deg..deg…deg…

Ambisi sih ambisi, tapi yang terpenting dari jiwa anak-anak ADIPATi adalah memberikan yang terbaik dan selalu kompak. Yupppsss… (Chayyyyyooo!!!) Berharap dengan sabar deehhh…

Setelah nunggu kira-kira 45 menit, juri pun sudah siap mengumumkan kelas mana berhak naik ke panggung untuk dapet, tapi… sebelum itu acaranya diselingi sama kehadiran Bu Anik (guru Biologi), nah lho! Eh, eh, ternyata beliau akan ngumumin juara Taman Hias dan Tanaman TOGA untuk kelas XI IPA (pelajaran Bioteknologi sebenernya)..daaann..tetererererettt…Bravo! Betapa mengejutkan ADIPATi dapet juara 2. waaaaaaaaahhh..senangnyaaaaaa..! (Cah..cah..gak rugi yo usaha kita ..hahhaaa..)

Nah, ini nih yang ditunggu..
Pak ….. (belum kenalan, hehe, guru baru, lum tau nama beliau..(T.T)v ) ngumumin juara pentas seni. Yaaap, juara pertama diraih oleh kelas X2..ploookk..ploookk….Juara kedua diraih oleh kelas XI IPA 3 ….ploooooookk..plooookkkk…horeeee…alhamdulillah…waaaaa…(pokoknya hueboh \(^o^)/ ) juara pertama diraih oleh kelas X6.

Hihi..walopun “cuma” dapet juara 2, tapiiiii bangga ddeeeehh..perjuangan looohhh…apalagi dapet dari dua kejuaraan..wahh..puji syukur. Semua hanya karena kuasa Allah..Besog-besog lagi dehhh…Amiin…Hehe…

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Kata – kata Mutiara (dari sebuah buku “Cara Belajar Cepat Abad XXI / Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century” )

Sebenarnya saya belum sepenuhnya menyelesaikan buku ini, namun saya justru tertarik lebih dulu untuk menuliskan kembali beberapa kata-kata mutiara yang berkaitan dengan proses belajar dalam buku tersebut yang ditulis dalam ruang tersendiri. Menarik! Semoga bermanfaat..

“Tidak ada keamanan di muka bumi ini; yang ada hanyalah kesempatan – General Douglas MacArthur”

“Tujuan terpenting pendidikan adalah belajar bagaimana belajar – Luis Alberto Machado, Ph. D dalam Creating the Future”

“Otak manusia adalah sebuah mesin yang paling kompleks di jagad ini – Prof. Colin Blakemore, Universitas Oxford”

“Teritorial belum tereksplorasi yang terbesar di dunia adalah ruang di antara dua telinga manusia – William O’Brien, mantan direktur Hanover Insurance”

“Memori adalah perbendaharaan berharga dan penyimpan segala sesuatu – CICERO”

“Otak ibarat raksasa sedang tidur – Tony Buan dalam Make the Most of Your Mind”

“Aku harus memiliki banyak sekali kuantitas pikiran; aku harus merealisasikannya sebanyak mungkin setiap minggu – Mark Twain”

“Cara terbaik untuk memperoleh ide yang baik adalah dengan mendapatkan banyak ide – Linus Pauling”

“Sesuatu yang menyenangkan tentang kehidupan. Jika Anda tidak mau menerima sesuatu kecuali yang terbaik, Anda akan sering mendapatkannya – Somerset Maugham”

“Menjadi apa yang kita sanggup berproses ntuknya adalah satu-satunya tujuan hidup – Robert Louis Stevenson”

“Imajinasi lebih penting daripada pengetahuan –Albert Einstein “

“Kita akan menemukan sebuah jalan atau membuatnya – Hannibal”

“Tidak ada jaminan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan pada suatu waktu, namun ada jaminan untuk tidak pernah sampai pada tujuan yang tidak pernah ditetapkan – David McNally dalam Even Eagles Need a Push”

“Waktu adalah satu-satunya modal bagi orang yang peruntungannya adalah kecerdasan – Hanore de Balca”
“Kalau Anda cinta kehidupan, maka janganlah sia-siakan waktu, karena bahan mentah kehidupan tersusun dari waktu – Benjamin Franklin”

“Belajar bukan olahraga pertunjukan – ANONIMOUS”

“Melaui tindakan Anda menciptakan pendidikan Anda sendiri – David B. Ellis dalam Becoming a Master Student”

“Jangan buat aku berjalan ketika aku ingn terbang – Gallina Dolva, Pendidikan Inspirasional Kerajaan Inggris”

“Mereka mengetahui siapa yang tahu bagaimana cara belajar – Henry Adam”

“Orang yang memiliki seekor kucing akan mengetahui lebih utuh tentang kucing daripada yang hanya membaca tentangnya – Mark Twain”

“Satu ons pengalaman senilai satu ton teori – Benjamin Franklin”

“Mengapa” kata si Doodoo, “cara terbaik untuk menjelaskan ‘ini adalah untuk mengerjakan ini’. “ – Lewis Caroll dalam Alice in Wonderland

“Banyak gagasan tumbuh lebih baik jika ditanamkan ke dalam benak orang lain daripada di dalam benak tempat ia mula pertama dilahirkan – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr”

“Seni memori yang sebenarnya adalah seni perhatian – Samuel Johnson”

“Alasan utama mengapa kita lupa adalah karena kita tidak benar-benar memusatkan perhatian – Lynn Stern, Penulis Improvinng Your Memory”

“Mustahil berpikir tanpa gambaran mental – Aristoteles”

“Anda bisa mengingat sepotongn informasi jika diasosiasikan dengan sesuatu yang telah Anda ketahui atatu ingat sebelumnya – Harry Lorayne dan Jerry Lucas dalam the Memory Back”

“Kadang-kadang dikita bahwa kita lupa akan sesuatu, padahal, kenyataannya, kita tidak pernah memperlajarinya dengan perhatian besar – dari Improve Your Memory Skill”

“Memori adalah buku harian yang selalu kita bawa ke mana-mana – Oscar Wilde”

“Orang yang tidak pernh melakukan kesalahan biasanya tidak pernah berbuat sesuatu pun – Bishop William Connor Mages”

“Praktik tidak menjadikan sempurna. Praktk yang sempurnalah yang menjadikan sempurna – Vince Lombard”

“Belajar bukan hanya mengetahui jawaban – Charles Handy dalam The Age of Unreason”

“Jika Anda terjun ke dalam belajar tanpa sebelumnya mempertimbangkan tujuan Anda, mungkin Anda akan buang-buang waktu. Dan, jika Anda tidak merefleksikannya setelah itu, Anda hamper pasti memerlukannya – Derek Rowntree dalam Learn How to Study”

“Anda adalah apa yang Anda pikirkan dan bukan apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang siapa Anda – Anonymous”

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

T-Max - Paradise

T-Max - Paradise

Almost Paradise achimboda deo nunbusin
Nal hyanghan neoui sarangi onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme kkumcheoreom
Dagawajun ni moseubeul eonje kkajina saranghal su itdamyeon

Neoui soneul japgoseo sesangeul hyanghae himkkeot sorichyeo
Haneureul georeo yaksokhae yeongwonhi ojik neomaneul saranghae
Bamhaneul byeolbitgateun uri dulmanui areumdaun kkum Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise
Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Tteonaboneun geoya dallyeoganeun geoya loving you forever

Almost Paradise taeyangboda deo ttaseuhan
Nal boneun neoui nunbicheun onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme biccheoreom
Dagawajun ni sarangeul eonje kkajina ganjikhal su itdamyeon

You are All of my love!
You are All of my life! ~
Nae modeungeol georeoseo naneunneoreul saranghae!

Jeo pureunbada gateun uri dulmanui areumdaun got Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise

Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Tteonaboneun geoya dallyeoganeun geoya loving you forever

Almost Paradise achimboda deo nunbusin
Nal hyanghan neoui sarangi onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme kkumcheoreom
Dagawajun ni moseubeul eonje kkajina saranghal su itdamyeon

Cheonsagateun ne misoga gadeukhan uri nagwone
Neomaneul wihan kkotteullo yeongwonhi chaewo dulkkeoya

Almost Paradise taeyangboda deo ttaseuhan
Nal boneun neoui nunbicheun onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme biccheoreom
Dagawajun ni sarangeul eonje kkajina ganjikhal su itdamyeon

Eonjekkajina saranghal su itdamyeon~

Kim Yoo Kyung - Starlight Tears

Saehayan byeolbichi nunmureul gamsaya
Ddaddeuthan barame nunmuri naeryeoyo
Geudae neugginayo

Joyonghi soksakineun geudaereul hyanghan I ddeolrimeul

Hayan jongiwee geudael geuryeoyo
Ddaddeuthan misoga nal anajoneyo
Ige sarangingayo

Du nuneul gama bwado geudaeman boineun geolyo

I will be waiting for you geu dael gidarilgeyo
Deo isang apeun nunmul boiji aneulraeyo

You let me know geojitmal gateun sarang
Notji aneul geeyo baro geudaehello kittyyo

Geudaewaye gieok sokeul geotgo isseoyo
Gaseumsok gadeukhi nunmuri goyeoyo

Na eoddeotge hajyo
Ggumsokeseodojocha geudaereul geuriweohaeyo

I will be waiting for you geudael gidarilgeyo
Deo isang apeun nunmul boiji aneulraeyo

You let me know geojitmal gateun sarang
Notji aneul geeyo baro geudaehello kittyyo

Nal barabwa jweoyo jeogi jeo byeoldeulcheoreom
Naemamui geudaega dweeojul su eobnayo

I will be waiting for you geudael gidarilgeyo
Deo isang apeun nunmul boiji aneulraeyo
You let me know geojitmal gateun sarang
Notji aneul geeyo baro geudaehello kittyyo


the white starlight envelops the tears
the tears fall in the warm wind
do you feel it?

this trembling, quiet whisper that is going your way
i draw you on this white paper
the warm smile holds me
is this love?
even when i close my eyes, i see only you

i will be waiting for you
i will wait for you
i don't want to see the tears of pain anymore
you let me know
this love that's like a lie, i'll never let it go
because that love is you

i'm walking in my memories with you
the tears fill even the deepest area of my heart
what should i do?
even in my dreams, i miss youi will be waiting for you

i will wait for you
i don't want to see the tears of pain anymore
you let me knowthis love that's like a lie, i'll never let it go
because that love is you

please look at me, like the faraway stars
can't you be the one that's in my heart

i will be waiting for you
i will wait for you
i don't want to see the tears of pain anymore
you let me know
this love that's like a lie, i'll never let it go
because that love is you

You Can – David Archuleta

You Can – David Archuleta

Take me where I’ve never been,

Help me on my feet again

Show me that good things come to those who wait

Tell me I’m not on my own

Tell me I won’t be along

Tell me what I’m feelin’ isn’t some mistake

‘cause if anyone van make me fall in love

You can

Save my from my self, you can

And it’s you and no one else

If I could wish upon tomorrow

Tonight would never end

If you asked me I would follow

But for now, I just pretend

‘cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Baby when you at me

Tell me, what do you see?

Are these the eyes of someone you could love?

‘cause everything that brought me here,

well, now it all seems so clear

baby, you’re the one I’ve been dreamin’ of

if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Save my from my self, you can

And it’s you and no one else

If I could wish upon tomorrow

Tonight would never end

If you asked me I would follow

But for now, I just pretend

‘cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Only you can take me sailin’ in your deepest eyes

Bring me to my knees and make me cry

And no one’s ever done this

Everything was just a lie

And I know, yes, I know…

This is where it all begins

So tell me it’ll never end

I can’t fool my self

It’s you and no one else

If I could wish upon tomorrow

Tonight would never end

If you asked me I would follow

But for now, I just pretend

‘cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

show me that good things come to those who wait

Waiting for Yesterday – David Archuleta

Waiting for Yesterday – David Archuleta


You and me, all alone girl

What’s going on, would you tell me what’s wrong

It’s like you’re locked up in your own world

Oh-oh with nothing to say

You keep me guessing but I see I your eyes

He made you promises but gave you lies

You’re shutting down cause you’re so sure

That I’ll be another mistake

[Chorus : ]

I know that he left you in pieces

You know that I won’t be that way

I’m not gonna treat you like he did

Oh-oh whatever it takes

You think history is repeating

You keep on pushing me away

Oh but nothing gonna change

Waiting for yesterday-eh-eh

Day-eh-eh, day-eh-eh

Is it worth it any longer?

You’re so scared to fall in again

Yesterday can make you stronger

So why do you feel alone?

You know I love you better than he ever did

This could be all you ever needed

Hold on to me and just remembered

Oh no, never let go

[Chorus : ]

Bridge :

I’m the on for you tonight

I’m the one you forever

If it takes a little time (Whatever it takes, whatever it takes)

I’m the on for you tonight

I’m the one for you forever

If it takes a little time (Whatever it takes, whatever it takes)

[Chorus 2x ]

Works for Me –David Archuleta

Works for Me –David Archuleta

Yeah, yeah, mmmm

No I won’t make up my mind

I’m too good at wastin’ time

And I know that life is unpredictable

Just never know what I will find

Am I gonna stay, oh no

Am I gonna leave, I don’t think so

I guess I can define me as that kind a guy

Maybe it’s a big mistakes

But baby that’s the chance that I’ll take

[Chorus : }

You say I don’t know what I want

But it worked out just fine

You said it never could be done

But it worked out just fine, oh

You can say anything you want

But it worked out just fine

If it works for me

Then it works for me

If it works for me

Then it works for me

I can’t forget the things you said

Your words keep running through my head

And I know you’re just trying to help me out

Thanks, but I’ll follow my heart instead

Am I gonna stay, oh no

Am I gonna leave, I don’t think so

I guess I can define me as that kind a guy

Maybe it’s a big mistakes

But baby that’s the chance that I’ll take, oh yaeh..

[Chorus : }

You say I don’t know what I want

But it worked out just fine

You said it never could be done

But it worked out just fine, oh

You can say anything you want

But it worked out just fine

If it works for me

Then it works for me

If it works for me

Then it works for me

[Bridge : ]

There were days when a song could not be found

There were days when my voice would make no sound for me, for me

But I don’t worry about it where I’m goin’

‘cause I know just where I’m wanna be

And it’s time for you to see

You say I don’t know what I want

But it worked out just fine

You said it never could be done

But it worked out just fine, oh

You can say anything you want

But it worked out just fine

If it works for me

Then it works for me

If it works for me

Then it works for me

Save the Day – David Archuleta

Save the Day – David Archuleta

Tied to the track and I hear you call

Your voice is shaking

The train is coming faster than you thought

And there’s no escaping it

And you think that you know

How the end of the story goes

That’s page I rewrote

And I’m taking away the ropes

There’s more hope than you’ll ever know

So keep breathing

I said that I’ll always be there

Now I mean it more than ever before

There’s future worth fighting for

So don’t be scared

I know how you must be feeling

No one to help you carry the pain

I’m coming to save the day

Hands of the clock

Are standing still

But your hearth is racing

You’re losing your grip on the windowsill

Pulled down by the weight of it

And you pray for relief

As you lie on the bathroom floor

As you wait

You can see

There’s a light underneath the door

This is the day you’ve been waiting for

So keep breathing

I said that I’ll always be there

Now I mean it more than ever before

There’s future worth fighting for

So don’t be scared

I know how you must be feeling

No one to help you carry the pain

We’re finally breaking

Into the daylight

Feel the warmth of the sun

I will stand by your side

Till your fear passes on

So just look in my eyes

Baby, try to hold on

And you’ll find

It won’t be long

So keep breathing

I said that I’ll always be there

Now I mean it more than ever before

There’s future worth fighting for

So don’t be scared

I know how you must be feeling

No one to help you carry the pain

I’m coming to save the day

‘coming to save the day

(there’s a future worth fighting for)

Don’t be scared

I know how you must be feeling

You know that it won’t be long

No one to help you carry the pain

It won’t be long

Tied to the track and I hear you call

Your voice is shaking

Let’s Talk about Love – David Archuleta

Let’s Talk about Love – David Archuleta


Sometimes I wondered what I’d be when I grew up

And then I remembered it was anything I dreamed of

I could be a poet or a singer

I can be a scientist

But before I make that decision, lets talk about my list

Lets talk about love, lets talk about peace

And living in perfect harmony

Lets talk about hugs, and talk about ways that we can share

Lets talk about you, lets talk about me

Lets talk about how we can be one big family

Lets talk about love, lets talk about love

Sometimes I feel that I want to give my friends a call

To tell them what I’m dreaming and everything I want

I want us to be a little closer

And to always reach out a hand

To be kind to one another

And always understand

It’s all about love, it’s all about peace

And living in perfect harmony

It’s talk about hugs, and talk about ways that we can share

It’s talk about you, lets talk about me

It’s talk about how we can be one big family

It’s talk about love, lets talk about love

La la la la La la la la La la la la

Everybody has a heart, everybody has a smile

Lets wrap a bow around each one

And give it away once in a while

Crush – David Archuleta

Crush – David Archuleta

I hung up the phone tonight

Something happened for the first time deep inside

It was a rush, what a rush

‘cause the possibility

That you would ever feel the same way about me

It’s just too much, just too much

Why do I keep running from the truth?

All I ever think about is you

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized

And I’ve just got to know

Do you ever think when you’re all alone

All that we can be, where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way I do?

‘cause I’m trying and trying to walk away

But I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Has it ever crossed your mind

When we’re hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?

Is there more, is there more?

See it’s a chance we’ve gotta take

‘cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last

Last forever, forever

Do you ever think when you’re all alone

All that we can be, where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way I do?

‘cause I’m trying and trying to walk away

But I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Why do I keep running from the truth?

All I ever think about is you

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized

And I’ve just got to know

Do you ever think when you’re all alone

All that we can be, where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way I do?

‘cause I’m trying and trying to walk away

But I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Only Human – K (english version)

Only Human – K (translation)

On the opposite coast of sadness is something called a smile

On the opposite coast of sadness is something called a smile

But before we can go there,

Is there something we’re waiting for?

In order to chase our dreams, we can’t have a reason to run away

We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day

If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sight

Because like a boat that opposes the stream

We have to walk straight on

In a place worn down by sadness something called a miracle, is waiting

Yet we are still searching for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring

The warrior who awaits the morning light before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall

Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness only relying on the light of the moon

We have to fly away with featherless wing just go forward, just a little further

As the rainclouds break the wet streets sparkling

Although it brings only darkness

A powerful, powerful light helps us to walk on

Only Human – K

Only Human – K


Kanashimi no mukou kishi ni

Hohoemi ga aru toiu yo

Kanashimi no mukou kishi ni

Hohoemi ga aru toiu yo

Tadori tsuku sono saki ni wa

Nani ga bokura wo matter?

Nigeru tame ja naku yume ou tame ni

Tabi ni deta hazusa tooi natsu no ano hi

Ashita sae mieta nara tame iki mo nai kedo

Nagare ni sakarau fune no you ni

Ima wa mae he susume

Kurushimi no tsukita basho ni

Shiawase ga matsu toiu yo

Boku wa mada sagashite iru

Kisetsu hazure no himawari

Kobushi nigirishime asahi wo mateba

Akai tsume ato ni namida kirari ochiru

Kodoku ni mo nareta nara

Tsuki akari tayori ni

Hane naki tsubasa de tobi tatou

Motto mae he susume

Amagumo ga kireta nara

Nureta michi kagayaku

Yami dake ga oshiete kureru

Tsuyoi tsuyoi hikari

Tsuyoku mae he susume